Google Ads Management Services

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How Google Ads Work?

Google Ads allows you to choose from various searches/keywords, appropriate ad messages, and which pages prospective customers will visit on your website after clicking on your ads.  A prospective customer likely to purchase from your business will quickly find what they were looking for, and a high percentage of them will buy or become a lead.

We leverage the power of Google Ads to help grow your business by getting your ads in front of the best possible searchers and audiences.  This increases sales or leads, drawing new visitors to your site, reminding past site visitors of what you have to offer, and trying a variety of tactics to attract the right visitors.

Google Ads is “cost-per-click” advertising, which means you’ll only pay when someone clicks on your ad and visits your website. Depending on how long they stay, what you said in your ad copy, and where the person came from, numerous statistics are collected. With these analytics, Google can use its very powerful algorithms to deliver very high ROI from high-converting keywords that drive sales and leads for businesses of all sizes.  Third Marble knows how to best put these algorithms to work for your Ads.

As for budgets, you also have complete control over your budget. You can grow or shrink your campaign however you need to by increasing or decreasing the number of ads in a particular market segment or campaign.  As your business needs change, so can your Google Ads account.

Working with our Google Ads Management Team

The process for creating a successful Google Ads campaign starts right after your Virtual Onboarding Meeting. An Onboarding Manager will join you for a virtual meeting to discuss everything we need to get started, including figuring out the Service Level Plan that is best for your goals. Next our team of Google Experts will begin setting up your Google Ads account. The Google Ads Team will manage all facets of the marketing campaign, including keywords, bids, ad optimization, negative keywords and much more.

After your Onboarding Meeting you will  have an Initial Strategy Meeting with a member of our Support Team. A Conversion Specialist will review your conversion tracking to make sure we are tracking phone calls, form fills, and purchases that result from your Google Ads.

You can rely on our Support Team to respond to any questions about your campaigns. With our easy to use support ticket system, all of your queries are met in a timely manner to manage your Google Ads account to its fullest potential.

Our team will monitor your campaign daily to ensure it is running smoothly. We like to make sure your account is meeting its goal. If it’s not, then we perform more frequent and in-depth optimizations. If the account is meeting the objectives, then we will optimize it less frequently and make lesser changes. “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.”

The frequency of the optimizations depends on if the account is meeting its goals, the monthly budget and the complexity of the Google Ads account. We may optimize your account as frequently as 3 times per week, or as little as once per month. 

Optimizations include adding / deleting keywords, editing ads and any other setting adjustments needed to continue to improve the results.

In an ideal account, we would track meaningful conversions. This could be someone submitting a contact form, calling your phone number, purchasing online, or any number of lead generation mechanisms. In most accounts, we try to generate leads at a target cost per lead based on your business’s metrics.

Our mission is to help local economies grow by providing affordable Google Solutions to businesses. We know each business has different levels of the desired service. We’ve created service levels to help accommodate your needs. We believe in transparency with our clients, so we provide all our monthly pricing upfront. Feel free to schedule a call with one of our Google Experts to discuss these options in more detail

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